Monday, March 17, 2008

I'm a lean, mean, jewelry making machine...

So after seeing this piece by poet and crafter Amun Miraaj, I was obsessed with wire wrapped jewelry. But when I found out how much his pieces cost, I was like &*%&#%%^ I can make my own!!!!!

So after months of searching for the right gauges of copper wire, and THEN some stones to use...well, I got the wire, my cabochons took FOREVERRRRRR to come, so I ended up making myself a pretty nice necklace if I do say so myself.

But finally, my turquoise came in the mail today and as I was chatting on the phone with a dear friend in London, don't ask me what possessed me to start fiddling around with it. Half an hour later, the Virgo half of me (thank you Poppa!!!) persisted and I had to keep going.

GOTDAMN!!!!!!!!!!! No wonder ole boy was charging so much for his pieces! The material isn't terribly expensive, unless you want some rare precious stone from the depths of Kilimanjaro, but this is torture on the hands! My fingers are a tad blistered from wrapping and pulling and poking and prodding that damn copper wire.

Here's what I have so far:

Well actually, I lied. It's a bit more gone than that, but like I said, it's going to have to wait.

All I know is, the cuff part will have to wait until my fingers feel better dammit.


Amina said...

Hello Empressri. This is red from My real name is Amina. I love the jewelry you made!very beautiful Empressri! do you sell them?lol! I love the brown necklace.

The Write Girl said...

girl you better start selling that ish... imma take one of those turquoise pieces with the earrings and necklace to match. i go to a bead stpre in london but i've never seen a big old chunk of turq like that in there

YBW said...

Woman, get you some pliars and save your fingers... the piece is beautiful though. Jeebus bless yo blisters.