Sunday, August 23, 2009

Still busy but blessed!

I really wish there were more hours in the day. I STILL haven't figured out how to blog to the fullest extent, nevermind keeping up with everything else. But Poppa got me a crackberry, I mean, blackberry, so maybe it will be a bit easier now.

Now if the crackberry could clean my room, bathroom and do my laundry for me, AND bring me something chocolatey for dessert, it would just seal the deal.

Is it just me? Or was this the wettest NYC summer ever? Although it could have been on hell outside and I really wouldn't know, what with sitting in an air conditioned building all day.

All in all though, I can't complain!


Tam and Sam said...

girl i know!!! rain rain GO AWAY! Its hot as hell too

Audrey...Miss Moon's Musings said...

LMAO @ Crackberry... I am planning on getting one, too!

And it has been a dreary summer in NYC this year... There have been like 5 good beach days in total! Grumble Grumble!

NowIamNappy said...

OMG let me find out you updated your blog. Damn near had a heartattack. LOL I feel ya on the rain. NY has just be wet soggy and humid!! Nasteeeee

Anonymous said...

i hear you girl... lol @ crackberry, seems like everybody's getting one though.. i'll stick to my cute little samsung propel. and as for there not being enough hours in the day.. i totally relate, i just blogged about how hectic my schedule is going to be after today... where did my childhood go?!

ColourCreatesInspiration said...

It's raining right now, lol, ITA: It's been a wet summer!

Have a good weekend :)

EmpressRi said...

Oh hursh NowIAmNappy!!! lol